The 3rd year, 1988 - 1989

Ernesto P. Pangalangan

Put Life into Rotary — Your Life

The club finances were strengthened out, 20% membership growth was achieved, and 3 artesian wells were donated in the various depressed areas of Mandaluyong. The Club continued its active participation in the Polio Plus Program of the District, and the Christmas package distribution program. It was also during this year that the club initiated its 90 medical/surgical mission at the San Martin de Porres Hospital in Mandaluyong, in collaboration with balik- bayan doctors from the United States, headed by Dr. Daniel Fabito. The Club hosted the GSE team from Argentina, and had a free harelip operation program at the Jose Reyes Memorial Hospital.

The 4th year, 1989 - 1990

Ernesto P. Pangalangan

Enjoy Rotary

The lateThe late President Jun Judan had a stroke at the start of his term which prevented him from discharging his duties. The president-elect was also unable to assume the presidency since he had to travel abroad for an urgent family matter. The Club Secretary, Rotarian Vic Arrogante had to take over the unfamiliar 90 job on a short notice. By midterm, the club decided to again elect Ernie Pangalangan as President to serve out the remaining months. It was a crisis right from the start, but the club rose above the crisis and rendered service where it mattered. In spite of these trials, the club was able to donate two brand-new artesian wells and rehabilitate another one in Mandaluyong City.

The traditional gift-giving to the poor, and the year-long free eye clinic at the Jose Reyes Memorial Hospital was continued. Help was extended to the flood victims of Marikina and to the government soldiers during the coup attempt of December 1989.

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